Monday, August 15, 2011

How to get revenge??????????need ideas!!?

i want to get revenge on this 3 girls that decided to put a embaracing photo of me on facebook, i know iknow, its not abig deal, the thing is, i first took it as a joke, but by their coments they seemed so proud of themselves it maked me sick, i can live with it, but how did they dare! i hate that kind of stuff, theyre all goodytoo shoes, but in reality theyre backstabing little bitches. btw one of them used to be close friends with me , but we grew apart this last year, how could she do that? And i bet theyll get away with it because theyre so nerdy and inocent, guess what i may be a ***** sometimes put at least im honest about it , me and my friends dont go and pretend were freaking saint because we arent. So i want to get back at them, not like big time, theyre not worth it, i just want to remind them they shouldnt be bitchy whith me. Im not a bad person, but i just cant be still watching those stupid girls thinking theyre so great because they believe im so embared. Ive had a lot of **** about me on the internet, theyre pretty irrelevant , and i want to have a little fun. ( i know how bad this sounds -.-)

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