Monday, August 15, 2011

Why do some Christians consider Catholicism to be false?

Catholicism was first in christianity. But they are very strict, and corrupt. Also, the priests little children, bc they refrain form marriage, and are supposed to from . So Martin Luther (not related to King jr.) withdrew from the church, and created the protestants. Protestants and Catholics don't like each other, and have warred in the past. Im a Protestant, and i think Catholics are too strict, force money from their members, children, and try to push religion on too many people. There are many sub variations of Catholicism and Protestants, like Orthodox is Catholic, and Lutheran is Protestant. But, it's not just Christianity, It's Christianity, Then Catholic or Protestant, and each have several smaller groups. I understand you are atheist, and think christians try to push religion on you. Well this is mainly Catholics, and Methodists (who are protestant, but are a little extremest). Hope this explains everything.

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