Friday, August 12, 2011

Please! it's been so long since i had a crush, hear me out and tell if he's into me? or am i make-believing?

ok, first off I have to admit I'm on cloud 9 right now, but I'm looking for people to be objective, cause i'm also a realist, and i can handle it:) so first off, i was at my best friends bbq, and i was kinda hoping this guy i had met through them would show up, but i we all knew it was the evening after his daughters 1st communion, and since thats an important day i knew he could get tied up, and didn't get my hopes up, And he lives like 45 min away. But anyway my best friends husband texted him saying i was there, and surprisingly he showed up. So then i was stoked, and i know he was too, and we're both kinda shy so at first it was kinda akward, like we had known since the first time we met that we botrh wanted to get together, and here we were. So like he was standing next to me and we're just looking at all our friends like "they're so crazy and such" and anyways after a couple hours we all realized that our group needed more beer and such for the bbq, and my friend (god bless her evemn though she embarrases me) was like well since you guys arent drinking (well i do a little, but he doesn't) you guys should go we did, and i had a list of all my friends request, and i had said if we can go to a syupermarket so i could use my credit then anyways his like disregarded that and just pulled into a 7eleven, and i was like,"wait i don't expect you to get all this for all my friends ya know" but he insisted like wouldn't even talk about it, and it came to like 70 then anyways we're driving back, and my phone rings and its my best friend and her husband all joking like "has he kissed you yet!" and all this embarrasing stuff, and so like i took it like a joke, but then he turned that this side street, turned off his car and kissed me! like all of a sudden...ok so then the akwardnes was outta the way, in a way. when we got back turns out everyone was pretty much tired and just wanted to watch movies, so we did with them, and then we ended just talking and cuddling till like 5am nothing else, he was asking me things like what do i look for in a guy, and how can he spend time with me again...and I'm 27 y'all, I haven't done such a cheesy teenage thing in many years! So in the morning i was sure that he was going to feel as weird as i did AND TIRED and say well he's gotta take off, but no. My best friend and i were the only other ones at the house, and she wanted to go get donuts, and he insisted on driving us...and while she was getting donuts I was like "hang on Ima get a coffee right here while you go and meet you at the car" and starts following me, and I'm, about to pay with an atm, and there he goes throwing down a $20 for a $1.99 coffee, just to make it in time so I couldn't slide my card in the machine...soo i thought all day he's was going to leave, but he's stayed and just kicked it with us 2 girls, and i knew he was staying to be around by the end of the day we ended up planning a group camping trip, as couples, and he was like "just tell me what you need for our plans, and if your down with camping or if you'd feel more comfortable in a hotel, let me know" and i thought -uh huh, hotel...are you be accomodating or is everything to get in my pants, right? so anyways, around 7 he was finally like i had better get going, oh and after my friends husband and his other friends clowned him for still being there with me lol..we exchanged numbers...then he texted me an hour later, then before he went to bed called just because he saidit wouldn't seem right if he didn't...Please don't tell me that i'm stupid, and i know i gave way too many details...but I'm stoked. but i also know there are guys that will invest that much just to get in your pants...can you tell me if it sounds fishy?

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