Thursday, August 18, 2011

Atkins diet, keeping the weight off.?

I started the Atkins diet on Sunday and as of today I have lost 8 pounds. This is a hard diet and I dont know how much longer I can do it. After I finish the induction phase I would like to try something else. Does anyone have any ideas?

Is there any website where i can get university level notes for free (torrent sites etc)? might help you out when choosing your courses. You can go on the website and download the syllabus when you are registering. I would also try, which might have some notes you can use.

What are you saying?

You must love Jesus infinitely more than anyone or anything else, so that if someone or something gets in your way of following Him, you will choose Him over the other person or thing.

Army vs. Air Force Law enforment question?

I want to be a MP. I am currently in DEP with AF and cannot do security forces because I have a criminal waiver so I am going in as Genreal9TG43. I am eligable to join the Army and get a gaurnteed job as an MP for 5 years. What would you recomend?

Heart stroke?

i am a 15 yrs boy, 105 lb, and i have like a similiar problem like heart stroke. If i sit for a long time with out getting up my heart start to hurt everytime i breath, and it seem the only method to stop it is running around my house 10 time. By then my heart pump alot more but the hurt stop. I cant have heart disease or heart attack because i barely eat any fast food or high fat at all, and the fact that i am lean. The second question is that is it from hereditary or something else?

What would the FA do?

so leeds are not allowed into the FA, they cant vote, or have FA cup final tickets, so what would happen if they got to the FA cup final. how would the spineless ones deal with that situation

Will I have to wait Inbetween......?

You will probably wait after AIT to go to Airborne. That should only be a couple week wait though. Here is the kicker though. Once Airborne is done you go to RIP where you will be put into the program. You normally have to become an E3 and wait a while in the RIP program before they let you go to Ranger school. So in that sense there is wait between Airborne and Ranger. This wait is good thing though and will prepare you for the rigors of Ranger school and the Ranger Regiment. Rarely in your career will you get to go from one school to the next without waiting. there are times though but I do not think this will be one of those. Especially with your unit already selected. Hope this helps and keep your goals in site. Good luck and keep up the hard work.

Strange Betta Behavior?

I recently won a tiny female betta from a carnival. In her tiny plastic container, she sat mostly at the bottom leaning on the side of the container. When I moved her into a larger tank, she swam around vigorously for a bit. Now, she still keeps close to the tanks side, near the top, and seldom moves. When she does move, she sometimes backs up, so that her tail is up and her face is closer to the ground. Is this normal behavior?

Give up desires for enlightenment as well or give up all other desires and pray for enlightment?

we should give up all our desires, and also the desire for enlightenment, for enligetenment or give up other desires, except the desire for enlitenment and also pray for enlightenment, as in the second case. The sastras say u can pray for enlgetenment. if we pray for enlghtment does it not become contradiction to giving up desire of enlgetenment also. plese gide me in this matter. which is better.?

Spiderman Quotes-Is this trademarked?

I'm writing an anime and I want to do a joke using "Aunt May, Aunt May, is she an angel?" from spiderman. I want to know if that's trademarked, because it would fit very well into the story. Please tell me!

Are there short term symptoms of excess salt intake?

If a large but non lethal amount of salt was ingested, for example a large meal with a high salt content could it cause unpleasant short term symptoms, such as nausea, dizziness or other symptoms of that nature? Also could use of mild drugs such as caffein, alcohol, or THC help enhance or facilitate the symptoms?

Your favorite western saddle pad?

If/when i get one of the western saddles i'm eying, i'll need a new western blanket. i have a cheap-o fleece thing, but it's a piece of junk to begin with. add in the fact that it has a mive rip in it, and it really should just be thrown out LOL. anyway, what's your favorite one? My horse has high withers, so i'm not going to have a lot of clearance there. anyone know of good ones for high withered horses? or just your own favorite one...either way! even one you really want counts :)

More good music out there?

any1 know any good music out there that i might like. i mostly listen to stuff by rise against, disturbed, linkin park, 3 days grace, MCR, SR-17, & crossfade. any others that u think r good let me know. no country or rap ****. i hate those

Funny messages that says something but means another.?

Me and my friends (this was a while ago) were on the Internet, and we found some type of site that had a message talking about candy that really meant . (example: My hershey bar went in her Klondike bar) If you know what I'm talking about send me a link please. Or to another site in this catagory send me link



Should i get a truck or a car?

i am 16and have a learners permit and will be getting a provisional next month. currently i have a job at a mechanics shop and am getting a little experience with the tools of the trade, i do not plan on making a living as a mechanic just a temporary job as cars is a hobby. me and my uncle were going to restore a clic car for me but he has ped on and i am still sticking to it. with the economy and even my wallet obviously i cant afford a dodge charger or chevelle ss even if it needs to be restored. i want it to be a daily driver with some muscle, i will be driving to work and school, and the when high schools done im going into the coast guard, so it will go in storage. im not looking to restore to showroom or restore to sell, just get all body work and rust, adecent painjob and an engine redo if needed i want a small block v8 for better gas, i dont need that 440 6 pack, like i said it will be a daily driver. im looking at the plymouth dusters, buick skylarks with the 350 2bbl, and the 63-64 ford galaxys, or the 84-87 regal t types. grand nationals, being a daily driver that can handle a little beating i wouldnt mind going for the satellite instead or the gtx or cutl instead of the 442. my parents have a third vehicle they offered to me, a nissa frontier 2003, which i can use for the time being, i have also always wanted a 1994-98 ford f250 or 350 powerstroke truck which can be had for under 6 grand, my parents said i could sell the nissan which we found to be worth around 7-8 grand and buy a dodge mins or ford powerstroke truck. i would not sell the truck for money for a car because we still need a truck. so should i get a clic car, maybe i could get a great deal on a charger or cuda that someone needs some quick cash but thats unlikely, and i keep my eyes peeled on hemmigs, or should i get a truck? im kinda leaning towards a car because there still is a truck if needed and i can always get a powerstroke or mins for under 10k with decent mileage

How to do a correct journal entry of the following:?

Purchased land worth $54,000 for an office by paying $5,400 cash and signing a long-term note payable for $48,600.

Fantasy Baseball Trades help!!!?

I don't think I'd trade Choo for Rios and Gonzalez, but I would probably trade him and Polanco for Gordon and Cano.

Meade VS Celestron want help ( Telescope )?

I would choose Celestron over Meade because it is a better quality scope. Meade Corporation has gotten too big and there has been complaints when they had problem with their telescopes.

Everything speeds up and everything get a lot more...enhanced?

i would say you should talk to a trusted friend or parent. Both? they will help you. idk what it could b though

For the Cowboys next season, should they go with the offensive strategy of mostly-running like the Giants?

As a Dallas fan, but also a football fan, a team really should have a balance between the p and run. The Giants really have a stable of strong running backs. Without checking their contracts, you have to think NFL teams will be poaching from the Giants via free agency. Owens has limited value on the trading block. The Flozell jumps can be tolerated as a price to be paid to keep the front five intact.

More likely to lose this weekends, Steelers or Packers?

the steelers are a more expierenced team with plenty of veterans they been down this road before , they know what needs to be done to get to superbowl, i think the Packers are more likely to lose. :))

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Express 191.25 in 2 sig figs?

isnt it just 1.9*10^2 ?? its such a simple question and ive tried so many variations of expressing this number but it keeps telling me that im close but wrong

Okay I should I continue to help my mom out who has cancer but she is so critical of me and then we argue?

She is in stage 4. We never got along, but I try to suck it up and help her out with groceries etc and cleaning the house for the past 5 years. My autistic brother lives with her. Recently he threatened physical violence (he was NEVER violent towards me in all the years I've known him...and screamed at me "I HATE YOU!!!!" skinny, boney, cancer-ridden mother was the one that got between us and prevented him from starting to hit me) because we got in an argument (and my mom was mad at me too because I was rubbing her the wrong way...I guess cuz I was so beat and tired from grocery shopping, carrying all the groceries, and then driving 1 hour to the house), and now I'm scared to go over and help her. It really rattled me. I'm sure if we had a gun in the house, I'd be just another statistic.. He is really a good guy, but I guess the stress of the situation is getting to all of us. She was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer 5 years ago and is still surviving. It gets harder every year though, as she's not getting any younger and she can die any day...the chances grow as the years p of course. When she dies, I always thought I could let my brother live with me. But I have never seen that side of him before. I feel like if I have a husband, he will be SUPER MAD if my autistic brother ever threatens me. So now I'm rattled, worried, and don't know what to do. Please any advice would help (even a prayer) thanks.

Interpret Dreams?

Dreams are nothing but a mixture of what happened to you and the supernatureal. The supernature element is mostly what happened to you in your previous births or what is going to happen in future.

The subject of virginity; what's your view?

I would prefer for her to be a virgin because if she will give away something so precious (to someone else that is) that she will only ever have one of, then what else will she give away.

SVR E-Fed Presents: ECW 4 6 2010?

Pretty decent show man. Are you coming up with anything for WWHF Smackdown? When you do, email me the matches.

Is Gordon Brown really against using his family as media tools?

They all do it in the end, Brown, Cameron, Clegg, it makes no difference the further up the greasy pole they slither the more unscrupulous their politics becomes....

Do you think these bangs are okay?

I think you could pull off those bangs; but for your face shape you would need them to be longer. I have had bangs like that before and they are annoying. You can pin them up but because of the layering it tends to fall out on its own.

I need a clever nickname?

I go to a high school where everybody gets rowdy for all types of sporting events...really really rowdy...and the whole crowd have the nickname the lions den since our mascot is a friends and i are the ringleaders and need a clever name to call ourselves (about 8 of us) since we make a lot of appearences...any help?

What did/do you miss about australia?

Vegemite, sun, sand, surf . The large country that is so diverse. The shopping. I had left but I'm back in the best country

The name of this song is...?

The song starts with one singersinging "OH oh oh" in repetition and then ohter layers of vocal sound get added in and it comes at you from both sides of the speakers. I can only remember that part. It's a new(ish) indie song. For awhile I was sure it's animal collective but I can't find it. Any help?

I need help with a christmas gift.?

i wanted to get my bf some sort of brain teaser where you can put money in it.. but he has to figure out how to open it.. does any one know where i can purchase one of them?

Why is it that i hear on tv and latino actor said that america is scared of Latinos?

that is not true and the one that marched for affirmative action in California are ones did not hire Blacks there. they are largest illegals here.

Why doesn't free-market capitalism overcome corruption and greed in Haiti and other countries?

As we have learnt in school, capitalism will function only when no corruption and bueaucracy are around. It's not the other way around. The market cannot function well when most of the goods and services are traded in the informal market.Adam Smith wrote clearly, the government has the obligation to oversee that the bad guys are not around, but should not intervene the market.In Haiti, we have learnt for years that aid cannot work without trade. The man who is spelled as a corrupted politician is living well in Europe. The forrest and resources including people are gone. No development theory can help.

Law of Attraction-Attraction Box?

That is good idea, and degree in the subject you wish to study. And entrance of good school that you desire to go to. you can make it realistic as possible with print explosion soft ware. It could also be your dream box too. I like it. Fun idea.

How much CARBON FOOTPRINT is reduced by riding a bicycle?

I ride my bicycle to, from, and around campus 5 times (days) a week which totals 30 miles per week or 120 miles per month. The math is easy: 2.5 miles there, 2.5 miles back, and 1 mile on campus. So any idea on how much foot print im reducing by not using a cab or personal car? Or even money by not buying a car and using that? Or anything else.

Okay, i revised this, with not so many ands, not please answer!?

me&my friend were at the movies yesterday&when the movie was over we started playing the crane game. i won 2 stuffed animals but we didn't want the cow so we just threw it on the ground then this guy picked it up& said he wanted it so he took it. &then we got more tokens and started playing again. i won almost everytime.&i ended up winning 12.i gave them 8.then as i was playing me&him started talking. he asked where we lived&how old we are&we asked him the same. then he left to go buy a ticket to see a movie. then he got kicked out so we walked outside to throw the stuffed animals in the car.&when we walked back but we didnt say nething to them just started walkin inside. but he asked wht we were doin later we said nothing&he said he was bored. then we talked alot..then my mom walked out&we started leaving but we ran to ask him for his# he didnt say nething just looked@ us like he didnt know what to say. we think he just didnt wnt to do it around his friends.what do u think

How to lose weight fast?

Calm down :) determination and confidence are two AMAZING ways to be happy and improve your look. First, I must stress NOT to go on a commercial diet. They damage your body more than you can imagine. Eat very healthy. Fruits, vegetables, meat (grilled and baked, not fried), and dairy. Do not worry about a snack or two. Don't eat 3 heavy meals a day, that is very important! Graze on healthy foods a bit all throughout the day. And for exercise, don't do work outs for bulking up. Try yoga, running, swimming, and other cardio exercises. Some sit ups and crunches, and some push ups, but go slowly with both. Running, jump-rope, swimming, hula hoops, and things that get your heart racing are great for toning your body. drink water as much as you need while exercising and a lot afterward. Water is a natural cleanser and will completely restore your body if you drink the right amounts. Good Luck and stay determined!

Does att have any phones with a qwerty keyboard?

i want a phone with a qwerty keyboard for texting but i dont want a smartphone or PDA because of the extra cost for the sevice..... any suggestions?

Verbal abuse?

my parents were way psycho when i was a kid, and i turned out fine. eventually, moving out of the house cures all ills. your siblings will be fine.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

VOCab Test?

Every single one of those words is in your dictionary. If you really want to expand your vocabulary and do better on your next test, look up each of the words and write a sentence, using the dictionary definition. You will have learned much more than if I had provided sentences for you........

A question for those that have ped high school?

If its any poem i would have to say Robert Frosts "The Road Not Taken" its very simple to understand.

IPod Help!! Please HELP!!?

I read on a different thread that the song "Low" By Flo-Rida doesnt work on iPods. I also read that you have to right click and a thing called "Convert To ACC" Or something would pop up. I only get "Convert ID3 Tags" Is there anything else I can do? I have tried a whole bunch of other "Low" song but they all dont work. Also, it is not a WMA File!! Help!

Does every male sperm or female egg have different combination of 23 chromosomes?

A human cell has 46 chromosomes. The combination of these chromosomes remains the same for an individual. But when it splits into 23 chromosomes in a sperm or egg (meiosis), there can be many different a result each sperm and each egg will have a different chromosomal combinations. Can I say, if any other sperm from my father would have `won`, `I` would not have born or I would have been different.?

Percy Jackson and Harry Potter?

ALLLL of Harry Potter books has been been out for a while. Percy Jackson hasnt been out as long i dont think so if anyone is copying the other it would be Percy jackson copying Harry Potter.

Is the Bush administration paving the way for a military dictatorship?

McCain lost all America's 401K money through bank deregulation. Civil war will explode when this news becomes official.

Why are so many "family values" people divorced?

Rush Limbaugh, Rudy (noun, very, 9/11) , and Kelsey Grammer. Speaking of which, why are so many cross dressers? Don't they know it's 2011 and alright to come out of the closet?

How Do I Unclog My Nose?

Have you thought it could be the anti-histamines themselves causing the problem to persist? If your body doesn't like these drugs it will try to fight it. Flush your body out with water and change your diet to fresh food for a week and see if it improves. If not then you need to go to the doctors and get treated for sinus problems.


Nirvana for sure! I also loved the Alanis Morissette album Jagged Little Pill, that was really good. I listened to, The Stoned Temple Piolets, Sublime, No Doubt, Greenday, Bush, I also liked TLC's Crazy,y,Cool , that was a great album. I Loved most 90's music and still do today! By the way, you have a great taste in music for only being 12!

Opinions of people who can tell me if im pregnant please :)?

Im 18. I had unprotected on the day i finished my period and later did some research and found that i had a 1 day before my set ovulation date (small cycle). About a week after the i started feeling some normal light cramps in my uterus area than my started getting sore off and on not to mention ive been VERY tiered and feeling drained even though my routine has not changed. I was curiouse so at 13 i took a test and had a negative. So i was like oh good. It has almost been a week since than and in that time i see my mood swings more, still ore s here and there, i get dizzy and light headed at times, i have cramps and my lower back is having sharp pains as if im starting my period even though thats not for ATLEASE a week and a half, lots of headaches, lol i have these urges (weird i know), i started feeling stomach sick not long ago but not to where i throw up just to where i feel like i need to, still tiered and im eating alot more than usual and have this obsession with oj. Sound like that test was wrong? Im not stressed, i dont think its in my head on a count of i want to go out but these things are holding me back its real. I do plan on testing again im just looking at other peoples opinions.

Vampire Diaries question!!?

So I download the first season and watched it as well as the episodes that have aired so far of the second season and would like to watch the weekly episodes on t.v. Someone told me it goes on every Thursday at 8:00pm on The CW but last night when I put it on it was an episode I had already seen. Does anyone know if I have the right time/day for the show and why it was a repeat? Is the season already over maybe? so confused :/

Submitted 10 out of 100 question midterm on accident. What do I do?!?!?!?

So I just had a bit of a crisis, and I am completely panicking right now. I just submitted 10 out of 100 questions for the midterm BY MISTAKE. I umed there was only 10 questions and left all the rest of the questions were left unanswered. My grade has dropped from a 82% to a 50% and when I saw that I almost bursted to tears!! I emailed my professor, but I'm not sure what he's going to say. What do you think he will say?????

Is it possable to change the owner of a group where the current owner is no longer available?

I am a member of the Leadership of an online gaming club. Our club over time has had several Yahoo! groups. We are currently working on a History of our club, but current leadership does not have access to some of the older groups. One in particular has one "Owner" who is bouncing and one "Moderator" who does not respond. We have one person who is still active in our club who is a member of that group.

Single friend has horrible manners - but wants a boyfriend - should I say something?

She has to know the truth, and she really needs to change her ways, and fast. The best way is just do it and be direct....tell her that you were totally turned off by not only her table manners but by her disgusting eating habits. Of course she'll be offended and wonder what's wrong. She may never want to talk to you again......until she finally comes to her senses and realizes why the men are running like mad and she's not getting any second dates. I am uming she's overweight and she is not doing herself any favors by shoveling the food....that alone is a major turnoff to men. This poor woman needs a charm school, or finishing school. Again, you have to just tell will be tough but hopefully she'll see the light.

Should I buy this car?

fast and luxurious car...if i had the money to buy that, i would....thats kinda a lot of money for that high of miles...i seen a 03 G35 with 80k miles and it was $10k...look around and you might find a better deal with lower miles...not bad though, good taste you have.

Did he lie to me or not? PICTURES BELOW?

i dont think he lied to you. if you do thats okay, but i think he looks mexican/puertorican. but, why is it so important to you? i mean, why?

Brett favre.. good guy? or bad guy?

I think he's a good guy who needs to know when to hang up his jersey and go home. This leading everyone on each summer as to whether he's coming back or not has gotten old. If he keeps doing this he'll wind up be the laughing stock of the NFL instead of the great QB that he is.

Simple Java question?

Every Java statement needs to end in a semicolon. That includes any and all import statements at the top of the file.

Will Carlton win a AFL Football game in 2008 this year?

Do you think Carlton will not finsh down the bottom off the ladder in 2008...Who will be the most in improve side this year..Who will win the Brownlow as well....

New bar laws bangkok thailand?

does anyone have any information on the new bar and resturant laws that are supposed to come into affect in thailand soon

Again errrrrr..... more boy issues....?

ok there is this guy i have known foever and heis like a brother to me but my friend says that we look cute together and my sister says that she thinks that he likes me......see there is this one dude who wouldnt stop hitin my and then i looked at the guy that is like a brother to me and he had this mad face lke he was about to kill the dude who hit me but he nvr said anything about it and then yesterday the dude flipped over the guy who is like a brother to me and omg i have never seen him so angry he was so about to knock him out but then the teacher came to break it up. well i dusted off his shirt and everything while he told me what happened and then we got on the bus and i wa sitin by the guy that is like a brother to me and i was talkin to him and he sad that next time he sees the guy that flipped him he was going to beat his *** up and i dnt want him to get in trouble cuz he might get sent to juvy and i was thinkin that i dnt like him but then again i do cuz my siser thinks that he does like me b/c he would beat someone up for me and he also told me that is the main reason why he was going to beat him up and so she thinks that he likes me but i think i like him but im not sure if i would date him b/c im scared tht he might pressure me into doing something not sayin tht he will its just how he is and i knw him rele well like with his past gf's and whatshould i do?!?

Is there such thing as free legal music?

Okay so I have never tried Limewire or Ares because it is illegal and my mom only lets me get music from iTunes. I heard that you can download free music legally @ Is this true? Are there any legal free music download sites? And is the sound quality as good as iTunes?

What do you think about Iranian girls ?

What do you think about Iranian girls ? i mean what do u know about their clothes and their new uniforms ? what do u know about their appearence ? especially Tehrans girl. im an iranian teenager girl . iwant to know peopls idea !!! THANKS ALOT.

Freebie trading?Calistyle 101 and Freebie Society?Can I really make some money?

The more and more I read about it the more and more I become interested in it. I have an account and i am about ready to do it. I'm just a little wary about it. I am patient and I'm know I won't get rich. If I would make even 100 dollars more a month that would be great. I just need to know if people are really making money from this. scam or no scam??? Thank you!

What's Sugar Sammy's age?

Sugar Sammy is his stage name. His real name is Samir Khullar btw. He's a Indo-Canadian comedian. I've been looking everywhere to find out how old he is but I can't seem to find it. Whenever is does show his age it's something ridiculous like 103 years old, so that doesn't help. Does anyone happen to know when his birthday is? He's over 20 that's for sure. So anything under that is not his real age.

HELP!!! I have a date tonight with my ex from like 4 years ago?

I woke up this morning with an awful cold in so congested and keep sneezing!! What can I do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Does anyone know about Mae Jemison's present day status.?

Anything about her present day status including any family information and zccomplishments outside space exploration?

What are your thoughts on each of the American Idol contestants? Who do you want to win?

Adam, Danny and Allison are my favorites, but I'm hoping Adam wins. If Danny comes in second, he'll still be a winner. Allison's young and will do well also. They're all winners.

Is there anyone who match Haile Gebrselie???????????

last Saturday haile broke world marathon record. He has broken 23 World records so far. He is twice Olympic 10000m winner and 4 times world 10000m champion. I haven't ever herd in Athletics who can match his silverware. He is a wonderman! Is there any one who match his record?

How do you teach a child to remember lists, poems, etc?

Work with him on the project at hand. Flash cards are great. You can make up rhymes to rember things by. We just did a state capitals quiz for my daughter (8) on-line. We just did a search for quizzes and I found one that worked out very well.

Girl troubles, Advice?

Right there's this girl at my school and we used to talk but a year ped at we went our separate ways. She walked ped me in the corridor and said hey, haven't seen you in a while but got dragged away by her friend. I would really like things with me and her to "advance". Any tips???

Headphones wont go into my ipod jack.?

So, I have pop tarts stuck in my headphone jack on my ipod touch. and no headphones fit into it anymore. Do you think if I took the ipod to an apple store they would do anything for me?

How do I get the 80's hair metal sound on my guitar.?

I am a somewhat begginer and have a Arbor AS360CMR and want to get the 80's sound of Skid Row or Motley Crue, are there any amp settings, pedals, pickups, or technigues you would suggest. Thanks for any help.

What are some good songs?

what are some songs like home by dautry, or songs lke the songs that lady gaga sing, or Miley Cyrus or britney spears or JONAS BROTHERS or like good songs.......thanlks

Is catholicism on its last legs?

Last I heard, the Vatican was not hurting for money. Also, there are still plenty of Catholics who don't believe in using birth control. Granted, the Church has been having trouble finding enough clergy (especially ones that don't like buggering little boys). But I think Catholicism will be around for some time to come.

Why hasn't Congress let us drill for oil or build nuclear power plants. Are they more interested in self?

I saw on the news that Kerry has invested hundreds of thousands of dollars in oil companies, yet bashes them in public. Is this hypocracy?

Why did people have a problem with what LBJ said after the finals loss?

I've watched different ysts debate how poor of a statement he made after the finals and I'm wondering what they're talking about. He didn't say anything that wasn't true. He should pay no attention to the haters out there and enjoy his life with his family. Everyone else will have to return to their normal lives since the finals are over and there isn't a great deal else on Tv to distract you from problems you have. Everyone has problems. My feeling is that people don't like to hear the truth and people really hate hearing the truth from someone whom they hate. What I hate is what he did today which was clarifying what he said and subsequently getting flack for that. What he said didn't come off to me as someone thinking they were above others. I said once he went to Miami last year that they wouldn't win the title this year and I was right. I had no problem with the Decision except for him needing to have his boy Maverick call the teams during the telecast to let them know he wasn't coming to play for them. Obviously if Maverick didn't know where was going, he couldn't have done it, however I believe he knew. Other than that, didn't have a problem with "The Decision." I'm not a LBJ fan either. I like watching him play, but I'm not a fan. Why did people have a problem with what he said after the finals?

How can i lose 5-10 kgs in 30 days?

you can try a product named Herbalife. It is a dietary product and is very helpful when it comes to reducing won't let u go for a crash diet which almost always ends up making u feel hungry and fatigued but it is an intelligent diet which gives u a number of important nutrients along with weight loss support..if u can u may call at +919874680801 and talk to Mrs. Basak..or mail her at give details about your present and cherished weight,,your height and past medical history and age (it is very important to provide the correct age to determine your intake) ..please remember this product can help in curing almost all problems except renal pathologies..i have myself tried this product and it is really helpful...this product is designed to help people who wanna loose weight fast without harming the body metabolism and physiology in any way....

Monday, August 15, 2011

Question about auto loan applicant and co-signer?

Does the credit of a auto loan applicant matter at all when there is a co-signer, or will they pretty much go by the co-signer's credit?

The last time the Packers won the super bowl.?

Why did Jim McMahon wear his Bears jersey when they went to meet the president? Do you know what major even precipitated this? 10 pts to 1st correct answer.

How tall is U2 frontman Bono?

My friends say that he is 5'2" but I have heard from other sources that he is 5'4" or 5'5"

Just a quick question?

Go over and act normal. If he offers any food or drink decline. Round two could mean he has set up for you, and he just had one. Lol... Anyway, If he does try to stick a jar up your ***, kick his own bottle shoving ***.

Where would Obama be now if John Kerry had won in 2004...?

i agree with you completely. however i would imagine had kerry won, he would not have won this time around, so we would probably be stuck with a republican now. looking back at what we know about john edwards, i think the kerry administration would be booted out.

Have you ever tried to get your husband to?

wear your knickers? My ex went mad but then I noticed pairs of them going missing......hmmmm, hope I didn't start something there, oh well.

How to get revenge??????????need ideas!!?

i want to get revenge on this 3 girls that decided to put a embaracing photo of me on facebook, i know iknow, its not abig deal, the thing is, i first took it as a joke, but by their coments they seemed so proud of themselves it maked me sick, i can live with it, but how did they dare! i hate that kind of stuff, theyre all goodytoo shoes, but in reality theyre backstabing little bitches. btw one of them used to be close friends with me , but we grew apart this last year, how could she do that? And i bet theyll get away with it because theyre so nerdy and inocent, guess what i may be a ***** sometimes put at least im honest about it , me and my friends dont go and pretend were freaking saint because we arent. So i want to get back at them, not like big time, theyre not worth it, i just want to remind them they shouldnt be bitchy whith me. Im not a bad person, but i just cant be still watching those stupid girls thinking theyre so great because they believe im so embared. Ive had a lot of **** about me on the internet, theyre pretty irrelevant , and i want to have a little fun. ( i know how bad this sounds -.-)

Where can you find REALLY cheap ugg boots at?

I am looking for ugg boats ( of course!) && not "generic" ugg boats the real ones...Thanks!!

Why was my question removed?

No I don't think so, I asked a sociology question on yahoo before that got no answers and it was removed, I'm pretty sure it's just because it didn't receive any answers.

Sould i get rid of LT?

my wides are larry fits, greg jennings, and mike walker. My running backs are LT,deAngalo williams. My def is cin and gb

Can I avoid paying such a high traffic citation fee?

if i get a citation for my windows being too dark and I remove the tint before my court date, will they still charge me the full amount or give me a smaller fee? I got pulled over and the trooper asked to check my windows; when I got them done I was told it was legal, he told me that my tint is registering at 11% visibility while the law is 25% in Texas. I apologized and removed the tint once I got home; the citation states that I could be fined up to $303. I removed the tint and before my court date, will I still have to pay the full $303 or is there any way out that anybody knows? BTW the guy who did my tint is offering to redo it free of charge and is re reading the laws to ensure that he puts on the legal amount.

Why does my crack, flac out on me and do unwanted stuff?

This cracking you sounds like you have had a penile fracture. This isn't an anxiety problem or something like that. You need to see a doctor because what is happening is not normal.

Could I get into Wake Forest?

Yes you'll get in. Psst! Wake Forest announced this year that they will no longer accept SAT scores. They've realized that they don't really measure how successful you'll be in college. Good luck and great choice! Go Deacs!

Why do some Christians consider Catholicism to be false?

Catholicism was first in christianity. But they are very strict, and corrupt. Also, the priests little children, bc they refrain form marriage, and are supposed to from . So Martin Luther (not related to King jr.) withdrew from the church, and created the protestants. Protestants and Catholics don't like each other, and have warred in the past. Im a Protestant, and i think Catholics are too strict, force money from their members, children, and try to push religion on too many people. There are many sub variations of Catholicism and Protestants, like Orthodox is Catholic, and Lutheran is Protestant. But, it's not just Christianity, It's Christianity, Then Catholic or Protestant, and each have several smaller groups. I understand you are atheist, and think christians try to push religion on you. Well this is mainly Catholics, and Methodists (who are protestant, but are a little extremest). Hope this explains everything.

Green phlem like from ghostbusters? HELP!!?

I have chest pain. I have been diagnosed With Bronchitis and with post nasal drip. None of the medication is working (I was diagnost with brochitis months ago and it is still getting prgressively worst).I was diagnost with nasal drip in december. Now I am spitting up green flem, blood and solidified mucus as well as the chest pain.. has anyone had any similar experiences? What should I do?

Should Obama allow Mexican President Calderon to address Congress about Amnesty?

Mexico is a bunch of hypocrits. They enforce their immigration policies, but expect us to not have any.

Which mascaras and foundations you like better from the drugstore?

So, in my previous question many people recommended me the Maybelline Fit Me Foundation and the Covergirl Tru Blend. For mascaras, many people recommended the Covergirl Lash Blast Volume Waterproof and the Maybelline Volum' Express The Falsie Waterproof Mascara. So I really don't know what foundation to pick and mascara to pick. I have oily combination skin and people says that the Maybelline Fit Me is great for my skin type, but I saw a review on YouTube of this foundation by pinkbeautybliss and she didn't recommend this foundation for oily or oily combination skin. So is the Maybelline Fit Me good for oily combination skin? Or is the Covergirl TruBlend better? And for mascara which one is better the Maybelline Falsies waterproof or the Covergirl Lashblast Volume waterproof? Which one gives better lengthening, volume, less clumping, last longer and doesn't flake off?

What is this British show called?

I just remember one funny scene where a lady is going to break up with her boyfriend and when she is going to tell him he tells her he won the lotto. Another scene is when a lady and a guy are in bed and she tells him she loves the taste of and then remembers that she loves the taste of chocolate not . I think the title had the word men in it but im not sure. Anybody know??

Plzzz tell me if he likes me and y hes being really rude plzz!!?

I think the best thing for you to do is ask him why he's being the way he is. Guys in middle school are immature and sometimes won't raelize what their doing. or maybe he just thinks him being mean will make you like him more.

How much NaNO3 is needed to prepare 225 mL of a 1.55 M solution of NaNO3?

29.6 grams, 85 grams/mol *1.55 moles/ liter = 131.75 gram liters, this times .225 liters cancels out the liters to give 29.6 grams

Possible eating disorder... I think? Too picky, advice?

You do not have an ED but if you want to be healthy and eat healthy then ask your doctor what you can do in a healthy way. Also ask to be monitored regularly.

California residents, has the past or present contamination of our coastal waters ever made you?

Yuck, yes I do avoid the beaches after storms, Ihad no clue about this DDT thing though!! Thank god that's mostly a no swimming area because the cliffs make it hard to get down there. (well except for the surfers...)

"The intellect is the only thing people never argue about..."?

Hi. There is no way of knowing beforehand which way you would think until you acquired the extra intelligence in the first place.

With the advent of technology, will tracing family trees be easier in the future?

Tracing trees is much easier now than it was 30 years ago when there were no records online. Is that the technology you are talking about?

What is the answers to American Studies?

Seriously, do your own homework. None of these are particularly hard. If you just went through them one by one with your textbook or google you'd be done in less than half an hour.

Names for my baby girl!!?

I like Kyeriel it just seems like people would misspell it. What about Kamdyn? That's my daughter's name and it's so pretty!

How do cops start there shift?

like do all the officers or deputies or troopers go to a cl room and do roll call and explain whats going on for that day or what

I need hlp does this girl like me?

In cl she always writ on m saying you brightn my day or stuff like that, we talk a lot we go out to eat sometimes. We have hungout and I like her but idk if sh likes me back bcause sh is kinda a player what should I do

Sunday, August 14, 2011

I did the most embaring thing do i make it look like im not that type...?

Just smile and be yourself :) what did he do? Was he laughing? Sounds funny all you have to do is laugh it off! :)

Myspace help?

can some one find me the link for the song only hope by mandy moore i wanna put it as my song but i cnt find it

What song do you think this is?

I heard it on the radio one time its like about a guy hu overreacts when this guy is flirtin w/ his gf and then they break up and she goes out w/ the other guy and hes askin her if she believes him. i kno its country.

Do you think the Houston Texans will make the playoffs?

it could happen, through the wild card. they will win 3 of the next 4 games, with the injuries. after that they should breeze in. the colts will win the division i am sure, but the wild card is theirs.

Kerry's boy Gingrich!?

yeah, i was pretty disappointed too. i feel like everyone is going belly up and letting the libs get away with so many wrongs. when will someone stand up and fight??!!

Does anybody find Martha Nussbaum hot?

I just finished watching a video interview of Martha Nussbaum but I could not focus on anything that she said beacuse I was distracted by her good looks. I know she is well into her 60's but she turns me on.

Should I give my son his dad's last name?

I got pregnant on accident, with a guy I've never even had a relationship with. He was weary at first, and angry about the pregnancy, but now he's accepted it and wants to be involved. I don't expect him to be an award-winning father; he's already got a son who he loves to death but doesn't do enough for. I'm glad he wants to be a dad but now what? Should my son have his last name? Or mine?

Are there any david lynch movies that are good? I watched eraserhead and wanted to shove the entire pencil?

through my head for wasting my time... is he just a weirdo or is there a movie that he did worth watching.... don't mess with my emotions... don't think i can take another disk of garbage like that again... (I have number two pencils and I am not afraid to use them)

Can I put clincher tires on tubular rims? Are all tubular rims unable to accept clinchers?

I have two older bikes, one is a Bo from the eighties that has Mavic rims with tubulars and the other is a Motobecane from the seventies with alloy rims. They both are 700C rims. They both seem to have high sides but I haven't taken either apart, but I have to as the tires on both are aged and need replacing. I'd like to use clinchers for the ease and economy. Are there parameters to make this call or is this change completely out of the question without changing the rims totally?

Right side, below ear, behind jar is hard knot (gland?)?

On the right side, below my ear but behind my jaw bone there is hard knot. It isn't really sore, only seldom when I touch it. Interestingly enough though, it's sore when I drink any kind of alcohol. Not sure why, but it's been this way for almost a year. The swelling goes down sometimes but comes back (even within a day). What is this???? Any idea?

What is Strength Training?

Strength training is weight-lifting. Usually low weight, high reps (or vice versa for m increase) using push-pull exercises that isolate the specific muscle areas.

Issues with my baby's dads mother? (Sorry kind of long)?

First off her father and I aren't together. We haven't been since a month after I found out I was pregnant. He wasn't very involved in the pregnancy and now that she is here he spends more time playing my brothers xbox than spending time with his daughter. The two times I stayed over to help take care of her he fell alseep and didn't help at all. He hasn't contributed anything nor has his family. My family and I have paid for everything. I realize he is her dad but he needs to start acting like it. His mother is a total witch and told me that SHE had the right to see her granddaughter whenever she felt like it and I had to accept the fact that I couldn't keep my daughter to myself...whcih I have never done. They are always welcome to come see her at my home. I just don't believe they have the right to expect me to drop everything and do what they say because they have a right. Am I wrong to think that maybe they should be more supportive and help out a little more before I just hand my daughter over to visit with them whenever they make time to see her? I'm not trying to be spiteful or immature but I think they can't call themselves her family until they start acting like it. Am I wrong in this?

Which Plot Line is Better? And am I in the Right Category?

I would choose the third one because that's the one that I would be most likely to read. Yes, you're in the right category.

Can anyone recommend a good book/film/poem about betrayal and revenge?

Our cl ignment is to choose a book/film/poem to fit in with the themes of revenge and betrayal of Gladiator(film), Julius Caesar(play) and another poem I don't remember. So can anyone recommend a few that is good enough to yze for an English ignment?

If King Booker went back to Booker T, would you want him to be next WWE Champion?

WOW you saw all them girls amswering no to your Q.funny xD.Of course hes champon material in any gimmick.But yeah it would help him be more cherred if he got back to his booker T gimmick SUCKAAAAAA lol

How to stop receiving sms from unknown numbers ???

i'm receiving continuous sms from the num: "4122" , and sometimes it makes my mobile vibrate continuously... and sometimes it makes the mobile to hang...pls ., someone help me........

I am 47 kgs and 159 cm but i have very flabby meat, why?

47 kgs is nothing probably your height is too short or you are one of those gals who think they are flabby meat no matter how thin they are....

Why does UCONN play the only game in CT when there are three games in Philly?

Everyother round of 32 pairs play in the same city except UConn/Chat is in Storrs and BYU/Texas A&M is in Phi. Anybody know why?

Why does my mom force me to use sunscreen?

every hot day when im about to go outside my mom says you have to apply sunscreen so i run to the back door because I cant stand the way it smells and its to sticky but eventually she caches me and holds me down in her lap takes of my shirt and starts rubbing it in she puts it on my face neck which feels disgusting!! then she puts it on my legs and feet then my arms and i try to wiggle free but she has a tight grip i say ewww yuck she says hold still the she rubs it under my armpits and while she does that she starts tickling me but she says will you just hold still in a babyish-voice and its not me its the sunscreen HOW IS IT THE SUNSCREEN

Cause of my tinnitus?

ok so i got tinnitus 4 months ago and i finaly came up to first on the waiting list and got into a doc, now this is the oldest most arogent doctor you can imagine but basicaly i walked in and he put in earbuts that beeped and i had to push a botton everytime i heard a beep, so once that was done he said that i have perfect hearing with no loss. then he put wire stickers on my head and the earbuds clicked for 4 minutes. he then said that in my ears there are little piston like things and they have the responce and wear and tear that should be seen in a 40 year old(im 17) he then said my ipods to loud and nothing can be done, he said us punk kids with our "hip hop" and vibrating cars come in alot and its the same thing. but i was also diagnosed with tmj and clenching my teeth at night since before the ringing. is it possible that i have worn out ears from music but not damaged to the point of tinnitus? he didnt help at all and got mad when i asked if there was any treatment. if i push my ears hard and fast with cupped hands the ringing gets super loud than goes away for a few minutes. also the ringing always changes and goes from ear to ear. do i realy have perminent noise induced tinnitus or is it from my jaw and clenching? im at the brink of suicide because this ******* ringing wont stop!! please shed some light, what can i do!!

Question to jets fans??

If we beat indy, which would be more redeeming in the superbowl in your opinion? A win over the saints after we lost to them earlier in the year or a win over brett favre's vikings? In my opinion, it would be the saints b/c sanchez lost that game for us and ever since, people have called us overrated; however, a win against favre would be redeeming as well.

Ok help with the egyptians?

ok the question says when egyptians hunted crocodiles they would: A.catch them with a baited hook B.Catch them with nets C.kill them as they slept and D.throw them poisoned fish? helppps?

Is religion a sort of ignorance of the truth?

I think that religion is a form of searching for the truth. It's a choice to believe or not to believe. People have their own ways of searching for the truth, some look to religion, some don't, and neither is wrong for searching in their own way.

Closest midpoint to several geographic locations?

I want to set up a "meeting point" for me and my brothers. We live in Chicago, Cleveland, DC, and Michigan. How can I map out what location would be equal distance from all of us?

Which Narnia novel will not be make it to the big screen?

If I had to choose one, it would have to be The Horse and His Boy, as it isn't really linked to the others in any way.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Java programming help (importing files)?

You will need two more variable, one that keeps track of the number of numbers you find, and another to keep the sum of all the numbers you find. Once you know those two things, the average is the sum of the numbers divided by the number of numbers

Movie Ideas please!?!?

ok so any ideas what movie i should watch ? i like comedy, disney, girly and musical movies any ideas??? i've already watched Mamma Mia!, get smart, camp rock, wall-e, another cinderella movieand the beginning of ariel so please and thankyou! =)

Why do road bikers wear tight shorts & mountain bikers wear baggy shorts? Are mountain bikers more modest?

Often, those baggy shorts are worn over a pair of tight shorts to protect them from snagging on thorns or tree branches. Over the years it has become something of a style thing for mountain bikers to wear baggy shorts. However, top cross country mountain bike racers almost always wear lycra shorts, just like road riders. None of this has anything to do with modesty

Can facebook give out ip addresses?

Unfortunately I work with some really immature kids who thought it would be ok to spread lies and slander about me, and compromise my job. One of them claims someone created a fake facebook account and emailed his girlfriend to say he was flirting with a colleague. They have since split up and he is obviously set on revenge. Let me just start by saying I actually have a life, and was not even aware of this situation until a few hours ago. Life at work has been a living hell the past few weeks and now I'm aware of why, I will be going into work tomorrow and filing a complaint, but first I want to know if he is lying about contacting facebook and asking if the IP address of the fake account matched anyone on his friends' list - in this case, me - or if they are legally allowed to do that? My computer-savvy friend says as I use facebook on my phone the IP address will be the same as anyone else using that network signal, whilst others say facebook are not allowed to give out people's IP addresses like that. Does anyone know what could be the cause of this because I'm certainly not pathetic enough to get involved in petty drama that could cost me the job I worked so hard for. Thanks in advance.

This guy, Chip (Harold W. Mosby) is a leader in our church, but he cheats on his wife, how do I stop this guy?

He is a parishone in my LDS church. The Bishop turns a blind eye, but this guy is ALWAYS hanging around the young women. There is this girl I have known for years her name is Lee Jordan and she had an affair with him. I know her well- she tells the truth. Anyway, she is just one of many many I speculate. I feel bad for the girls he uses, but how can I warn the girls or get the Bishop to take this seriously.

How does someone become crazy enough to start a cult?

I am watching this program on National Geographic about cults and it is really crazy. Not only how do these people start the cults but who is crazy enouth to follow them!!!!

Do you think the Electoral College should be abolished?

I don't see why every single American's vote should not count exactly the same as every other single American. The way it works now, the only way your vote really counts is if you happen to live in a swing state. Most states are reliably either Democratic or Republican so the candidates pay no attention to the voters in the majority of states. Also it makes no sense to elect a president who wins a minority of the popular vote. Every time that has happened in our history, it has cast some doubt on the legitimacy of the election of that candidate. So yes, the electoral college needs to be abolished, or at least reformed, or enough states need to decide that they will give their electoral votes to the winner of the popular vote in the nation as a whole.

Moslem Cowards who Heckled/Abused returning soldiers LOSE appeal: Whaddya think?

Proper order,why are they allowed to do this in the first place,they should think themselves lucky they can appeal to any higher court,which they claim not to recognise under Sharia law (thought of that) as there are some countries they would be lucky not to be stoned to death,if they are not happy,deport them,simple.

What song would you like played at your funeral?

As many as you want! I'd like Cancer by mcr if i died of some sort of cancer. Or Helena by Mcr. I'd also like my funeral to make people think of the GOOD times, not about my death. So i'd have Celebrate Good Times or Oh Happy Day to make people laugh.

Hamster got out of cage for 2 days?

It's been two days since he disappeared! I don't know what to do. My hamsters live in the garage, and when i checked on him, he was gone. the top fell off when a snowboard hit it. usually my garage stays closed but yesterday my brother left it open for about 5 hours. I don't know where he is! I have a weird feeling he's outside but it's been 2 days and i don't know what to do. PLEASE HELP!

Is this good/funny for a school movie project?

We have 4 people in our group and one of them in the movie is going to be a struggling comedian living in Iowa trying to make it big and move to New York to be on SNL, but has one problem, he dosent have a manager to help him get there. Then another kid in the movie is going to be on his way from mexico through Iowa to New York trafficking drugs. So on his way through iowa to new york he gets stuck and cant find a way to get to new york. So he meets the comedian and pretends to be his manager to get a ride to new york with him while the comedian dosent know he is a drug lord. Thats the base of the story or the intro i guess and i was wondering if anyone thought it was good, and if so maybe tell me where we could go from here and some things that might make it funny. Thanks

Help Please!! I need to be more calm!?

Try not to worry about your grandmother. Take care of yourself. You are about to have a baby. You already have enough stress without worrying about your grandmother. Maybe you can get her to start knitting or crocheting a baby blanket. She can help by preparing some meals and putting them in the freezer for later when things will be more hectic. Best Wishes to you and your baby.

Is It Possible To Be Either of These: (Christian but not "saved") OR ("saved" but not Christian)?

I wonder which priest came up with that, "If you don't go to MY church and follow MY religion, then, then, ah, you're NOT saved!! Yeah, that's it and you'll go to Hell! Ha, now everyone will want to be Christian."

Christian w/ a muslim love?

He can't force the kids to be muslim, let the kids decide when the time is right to decide on their religion. Make sure he doesn't try to sway their desicion, make it their own choice.

Moon Hoax believers provide SUBSTANTIVE answers to these questions for a change?

Good for you. Let them provide some evidence of a hoax. You know the USSR was watching, too. Since we were in a space race against them, they would have been the first to provide evidence of a hoax, had there been any such.

Why do people think just because you have heavy nice muscular arms and abs,that makes you a stronger puncher?

Yes, huge muscles that was built by weight lifting is much inferior compared with a skinny trained soldier in a hand to hand combat.

A question on shoulder?

Hello, I’m 21 years old if its important to you, okay, three months ago, I dislocated my shoulder. I went to the doctor and was put in sling for three weeks and my shoulder was immobilized internally. However, the doctor on the last visit to him a week ago, he said its fine to lift weights again. It was anterior shoulder dislocation, caused by a sharp twist to the shoulder. Before the injury, I used to go on heavy weight like 290 kgs for bench and 120 kgs for biceb curls. Now the shoulder would subluxate most of the day, and the shoulder can be moved out of joint if pushed it slightly. I even can push the head of humuers at will. Most of the time the shoulder would pop (not pop out), click, grind. And really doesn’t know whether this injury is curable or not. Why the medicine cant observe this injury and find a real treatment for it? Help.

The Midnight Meat Train. I loved it, anyone else?

I thought it was a great movie! Very entertaining. Nice and gory and I actually liked the story behind it at the end. I hope they do end up making it into the trilogy that Clive Barker wants it to be. What did you all think of it?

Friday, August 12, 2011

If Ares is the God of War, why does he always lose battles? And why is he such a cry baby?

ALthough nothing that I have read is specific to this question I might have an answer. Ares is the god of offensive war more precisely. He is reckless and always starts war for the thrill of fighting. He is followed closely by Eris, the goddess of discord. She provokes him and he provokes wars.

How do I make 25 volume developer?

I have a bottle of 20 vol. developer on hand, but I would like to lift my level only slightly more with a 25. I can't find it premixed ANYWHERE. I can't remember the formula. I've made a ten volume before using distilled water and a 20 vol dev. but simply cant remember how to do a 25 vol. I'm a cosmo student so I do have a basic knowledge of color theory but we didnt cover this part. I would like to hear from some pros.

Strontium's isotopes?

I am doing a science project about strontium, and I wanted to know how many isotopes there are and they're named. When I looked it up, I saw that there were 14, 4 of which are stable, but some of them have a "m" after it (ex: Sr-85m). What does that "m" mean?

Im 13 and i think i have a stomach ulcer?

im 13 a girl and i always have stoamch pain i would have it for a few minutes and then go away and then come back in a half an hour my parents think i could be a stoamch ulcer i have stoamch pain constant burping and farting i think it could be ibs or stomach ulcer or cancer how likley is it for a 13 year old to get stomach cancer o and if it is an ulcer can you drink beer or smoke weed whild you have it just wondering b/c my friend has a stoamch ulcer too please no rude comments just answer the questions

Question about this song!!!! Easy ten points!?

Okay for those of you that know the song "sugar" by flo rida, in the very beginning of the song the part that goes something like "Dum da ba dee da ba dyn da ba dee da ba" or something like that, what song was that part originally from. I think it was from at least 6 years ago. It had to do with "blue" I think. Like, "I'm blue amadima a di" So if you could tell me what song that part was originally from and the artist that would be great. Thanks.

What could these signs mean with my body((in pain))?

Ok So starting yesterday which started out with just very lil cramps grew into horrible cramps which kept me also and almost in tears.. The pains is in my lower left abdomen side and sometime right across where I had my csection cut at.. I also get nauses off and on.. Today it started out good and as time is going on it is getting worse ((and I'm not doing anything more than usual)).. So I am just confused on what this could be? I just ended ovulation 4 days ago, and should be starting my period in about 10-12 days.. I have pooped but sometimes it hurts(like im constipated) while other times its not as bad. The nausea is still coming and going? What does this sound like or could mean? ex: AF...signs after ovulation.....Period about to begin...Miscarrying((no blood though))....First signs of pregnancy((just ended ovulation week on monday)) or gas? please answer and give me your opinion!

What fish should I get for a 27g Salt Water Tank?

I have in the tank 7 pounds of live rock, 1 scarlet skunk cleaner shrimp, 2 red legged hermit , 1 blue legged hermit crab, and 1 O clownfish, also I have 2 plants, what else could I put in the tank

Which trio is better: Rose, MJ and Pippen or Stockton, Malone and Adrian Dantley?

I grew up a Bulls fan, but I always had a lot of respect for Stockton and Malone. Those two are arguably the best duo of all time. Add in the third person and... it is hands down the Bulls trio

What is the difference between 5000 vs 10000 hcg trigger shot? first time doing hcg im confused please help!!!?

it depends on how much you weigh. at my doctor's office, the cut off is 175 lbs. if you weight less than that you only use 5000 if you weigh more than that you use 10000

Is kidnapping a crime against humanity? ?

I am doing a crimes against humanity project, and i was wondering if kidnapping was a crime against humanity as i am researching Colombia and the FARC...

So who do you think is going home on Idol tomorrow?

I think Danny really killed poor Stephen Tyler's song. It was just ATROCIOUS. He deserves to go, but I think it will be btw Kris and allison unfortunately. What do you think?

Ways of improving my life... (please read, it's quite long)?

Well first of all, well done for getting out of this abusive relationship and making a fresh start. It can't have been easy to make the decision and break the habit. Now it's time to start living again and focusing on you - no-one else. I appreciate this can be scary as as you have said, there is a lot to sort out. Rather than worrying about everything you want to do, break it down into a list of things. Organise the list by each items priority then start at the top and work your way down. This way you are tackling one thing at a time rather than worrying about everything at once. I would suggest the first thing you need to do is get back to uni and finish your course. Contact your university and find out how to enrol on your course again. Education is so important and learning and interacting with people again will make you feel brilliant. You may not be able to start the course until next year but at least you will have it booked and organised and you can prepare for it. Focus then on finding a job - go to your local Job Centre for support with this. As for your friends, it seems daunting now but you will soon catch up on all the gossip and changes. It's great that they have forgiven you and missed you - a real testament to you as a friend! Spend time with them and get to know them again. You'll soon start to feel confident again and you'll soon have lots of shared experiences to talk to them about. Don't fret, you are still so young and your life will get so much better. Just tackle one thing at a time and you'll get there. Be strong. Good luck.

I NEED HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…

ok so today i bought a rockstar energy drink today. its been a while since i've had an evergy drink but i drink mountain dew a lot. i drank that because i felt tired and like a needed some energy. after i drank that i had a craving for mountain dew so i got one from our fridge. not a good combo!!!!!! i feel jittery, i cant't think, i'm tired, i have energy, i keep making typos, it's kinda hard 2 breath, and i basically just feel funny. i probably had too much caffiene n i just want to know a way to make it stop.

How to underline a word when you are typing?

If you are typing in Microsoft word there is a "U" on next to the Bold and Italic on on your toolbar. Highlight the word you want underlined and click on the "U".

Diet pills?

I need to be skinny for summer too, but I won't take diet pills; they're not regulated by the FDA (what little good their regulations may do). Instead of a diet pill have you tried upping your fluid intake? Teas are great antioxidants and most are all natural or organic. It's not as expensive as diet pills either. I'm not going to tell you it's unhealthy, but I will tell you what your other options may be. You can cut your caloric intake by 500 and this alone would allow for you to lose 1-2 lbs a week, and that's without exercise. Try not to focus too much on the number, it will conquer you faster than anything else, and it's only important for the doctor's office. Try to gauge by how you feel instead. My mom did try everything, and not following a set diet worked for her. She made her own diet, it was a challenge for her; she was nearly 400 pounds. With her own diet she lost 200 pounds in 1 year. Good luck to ya. :-)

My brother and sister watched a scary movie?

Ok my dad was in the room and we were watching the recent batman movie the dark knight. My brother and sister are young and I am now afraid that they are going to have nightmares tonight because they saw the end of the movie with gordon and Harvey dent. Is there anything I can do besides letting them sleep in my room tonight? I feel really bad for letting this happen and afterwards I realized that I too was scared from the movie. Please help me

At what age are child maintenence payments stopped.?

Having paid these payments since my son was 10, he is now going to university in September having turned 18 in July. Are these payments still payable until he completes his university studies or do they stop now that he is 18 years old.

Who was in the starting line up for the Bears vs Texans Game today?

I need to find the starting lineup for today's game...does anyone know it or know where I can find it? Also the final stats for today's game?

Does this mean he's not interested?

Yeah i agree with the first answer....he likes you and you should just talk to him. He seems like he might be pretty busy with 2 jobs so maybe cut him some slack on the text response thing until you guys are a bit more serious.

I have degree in math major comp science; am going for job including network administration?

The employer has given me an interview. i worked for Microsoft Seattle as a software tester, but this job requires also database administration, PC hardware support, backups, software support. I don't have a MCSE, or Oracle. PLUS I have been in australia for a few years and pending spouse visa grant was prohibited from working in australia for three years. I am dying to get back into IT but it has been years and this is one of the first interviews i have had apart from manual process work. any suggestions? I have no idea why they are interviewing me but want to give it my best shot, eg havn't got the qualifications they want but demonstrate some knowledge sufficient to get me in the door.l

Tips for my track meet?

To be able to sprint faster, keep yourself loose. Don't allow yourself to tighten up. Keep your arms pumping straight. Also, be consistent with your stride. To keep away the side cramps, try breathing in for 2 seconds, then out for 2 seconds, if you have a normal breathing pattern, you will allow more oxygen to get into your body. she still hungry?

my baby is 13 days old and she drinks 3 ounces no problem, but she shows all the signs of hunger after she finishes her three ounces (turns her head and sucks on her fingers). So, I tried to give her 4 ounces a couple of times but all times she projectile vomited the forumla up. She only does this when she takes 4 onces. I always burp after each ounce. I don`t know what to do...what do you think?

Flow Era? First snowboard?

So, I'm a beginner 120 pounds and 5'6" looking for a board for next season. More freestyle/park oriented and more jumps over jibs but I'll probably do both as much. I'm still growing aswell, and the season's 9-10 months away. I'm very interested in the flow era 152cm as I've read it would pretty much be the best board for me now. Do y'all think I'll grow into or out of it? I can't really give a good estimate on how much I'll grow but I'm thinkin 1-3 in and around 10-15 lbs. My shoe size is a tiny smidge away from a 10 so i think i should be good in the waist width and my boot size. What do you gays think?

Advice on outfit for Forever 21 interview?

You should always try to look professional to any interview... This will show that you mean business. But you can always put your personality into your outfit, for example you can wear some slacks with a colorful on up and some black pumps. Do not over accessorize, this can draw the attention of who ever is interviewing you instead of them paying attention to what you're saying. Well i hope i was helpful good luck!

Getting weed in thailand safely?

I want to try weed in bangkok but i heard many rumors of clerks being snitchers and etc. I live in bangkok and so I want to know a good safe place to buy weed.

Eurail p a waste of money?

My boyfriend and i are planning to travel europe soon, to about 7 diff countries (all included in the p except for the czech republic). we were planning to get a eurail p, but we've been hearing that it's alot cheaper to but point-to-point tickets and that eurail pes don't guarantee a seat. this is a budget trip, so any extra money saved the better, but im a bit worried that it'll be a bit risky without a p..? which is the best option and why?

A relationship... with whom?

Honey you are hurt and crushed. You feel drained and defeated. You have no attraction because your heart is not ready to even consider it. I wouldn't worry about it. Don't date anyone right now and when your heart is healed you will find that attraction to a guy. He may be white or mexican. Or any other heritage. I wouldn't worry about it right now though. Just focus on becoming a stronger person right now.

Please! it's been so long since i had a crush, hear me out and tell if he's into me? or am i make-believing?

ok, first off I have to admit I'm on cloud 9 right now, but I'm looking for people to be objective, cause i'm also a realist, and i can handle it:) so first off, i was at my best friends bbq, and i was kinda hoping this guy i had met through them would show up, but i we all knew it was the evening after his daughters 1st communion, and since thats an important day i knew he could get tied up, and didn't get my hopes up, And he lives like 45 min away. But anyway my best friends husband texted him saying i was there, and surprisingly he showed up. So then i was stoked, and i know he was too, and we're both kinda shy so at first it was kinda akward, like we had known since the first time we met that we botrh wanted to get together, and here we were. So like he was standing next to me and we're just looking at all our friends like "they're so crazy and such" and anyways after a couple hours we all realized that our group needed more beer and such for the bbq, and my friend (god bless her evemn though she embarrases me) was like well since you guys arent drinking (well i do a little, but he doesn't) you guys should go we did, and i had a list of all my friends request, and i had said if we can go to a syupermarket so i could use my credit then anyways his like disregarded that and just pulled into a 7eleven, and i was like,"wait i don't expect you to get all this for all my friends ya know" but he insisted like wouldn't even talk about it, and it came to like 70 then anyways we're driving back, and my phone rings and its my best friend and her husband all joking like "has he kissed you yet!" and all this embarrasing stuff, and so like i took it like a joke, but then he turned that this side street, turned off his car and kissed me! like all of a sudden...ok so then the akwardnes was outta the way, in a way. when we got back turns out everyone was pretty much tired and just wanted to watch movies, so we did with them, and then we ended just talking and cuddling till like 5am nothing else, he was asking me things like what do i look for in a guy, and how can he spend time with me again...and I'm 27 y'all, I haven't done such a cheesy teenage thing in many years! So in the morning i was sure that he was going to feel as weird as i did AND TIRED and say well he's gotta take off, but no. My best friend and i were the only other ones at the house, and she wanted to go get donuts, and he insisted on driving us...and while she was getting donuts I was like "hang on Ima get a coffee right here while you go and meet you at the car" and starts following me, and I'm, about to pay with an atm, and there he goes throwing down a $20 for a $1.99 coffee, just to make it in time so I couldn't slide my card in the machine...soo i thought all day he's was going to leave, but he's stayed and just kicked it with us 2 girls, and i knew he was staying to be around by the end of the day we ended up planning a group camping trip, as couples, and he was like "just tell me what you need for our plans, and if your down with camping or if you'd feel more comfortable in a hotel, let me know" and i thought -uh huh, hotel...are you be accomodating or is everything to get in my pants, right? so anyways, around 7 he was finally like i had better get going, oh and after my friends husband and his other friends clowned him for still being there with me lol..we exchanged numbers...then he texted me an hour later, then before he went to bed called just because he saidit wouldn't seem right if he didn't...Please don't tell me that i'm stupid, and i know i gave way too many details...but I'm stoked. but i also know there are guys that will invest that much just to get in your pants...can you tell me if it sounds fishy?

What is the history of the rabbis hair curls?

My great, great grandmother was Jewish from Israel. Gentile marriages through my family's genarations have kept me from knowing everything about Orthodox Jewish history.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Why is Obama the only leader who praising multiculturalism & affirmative action while all other leader aren't?

Europe, which adopted many left wing policies earlier on than us, are now regretting those decisions. Obama and his fellow leftists here in the states should learn from those.

11 weeks pregnant... the more weight I lose the bigger I feel?

It could be that you are retaining water. A lot of women also experience bloating during the first trimester which can make you feel like you've gained weight when in actuality you haven't.

Help with a sentence?

Your two sentences are incorrect. Modern agribusiness focuses on the overuse of corn for purposes ranging from fattening cattle to mive production of corn oil, high-fructose corn syrup, and other corn derivatives. An increased demand for ethanol will in no way impact the amount of corn available for actual food for humans. It will hopefully reduce the amount of corn available for the derivatives, especially high-fructose corn syrup which has been implicated in the epidemics of obesity and type-2 diabetes in overdeveloped countries. Don't be fooled by the propaganda of the corn industry.


you realize that even though i know my duke ellington somewhat well, you are probably still better equipt to do your own homework having been in the cl and knowing what the teacher wants from you.

Arizona College Students! past and present. Architecture?

When I attended ASU, I thought the program was excellent, that ended the moment I visited other programs. The best part about the program is it is basically a diploma mill. Once you get in, you will graduate, they will process you out in time. Going to ASU really made me appreciate the program I attended for my MArch at IIT in Chicago.

I need to find a Big Hershey's Kiss? i got 1 of these a few years ago i live in minneapolis mn and i was wondering if anyone knew a store that sells these?

Pleaseeee help! I really need someone to help me with this!?

Great awakening was a religious revival movment that spread religious fervor across US. Preachers like Cotton Mather and others I cant recall right now spread the word about Christianity and how one should be religiously involved but on his/her own interpretations of the bible. This shifted the Christian emphasis on the Church and the Pastor to the individual. Now, people began to revive their religion but went on a personal spiritual journey with less interference from the Church (whose corruptness led to the decline in Christian faith in the first place which then called for the Great Awakening). Dang I remember a lot from APUSH last year hope this helped :)

Daughter-in-law won't let me visit after baby is born & won't invite me to the hospital for baby's birth

My son & DIL will have their first child, a girl, later this month. DIL & I don't get along at all, haven't since day one. She prefers her mother in all things-I wasn't even included in the wedding planning, wedding or baby showers. I was an invited guest & no more. Because of the hostility, I'm not invited to the hospital for the birth & I'm not invited to see the baby until a week after it arrives. Meanwhile, my DIL's mother (granted, she is a pediatrician) will stay w/my son & DIL for a whole month while I can only visit for a week & have to stay in a hotel. My son said that my DIL wants only her mother there- her mom gets to stay in the house. The house has 4 guest rooms & is big enough for both of us mothers. I resent that her mother gets special treatment, but my son doesn't want me to start drama. He says I'll have plenty of time to spend with my new granddaughter in the future & that DIL feels that since this is mom's 1st grandchild, she gets dibs. DIL is also an only child.

Whats the best and easy way to kill myself? serious?

Im tired of me and life and bills and my girl and my bad haBBITS. I like to get high but i know its wrong its hurting every one and everyones always pist at me I dont do them all the time but I seem to relapse a couple times a month. I hate it everytime because Im doing what I dont want to do> and I promise myself never again then two weeks later I do it again and its the same routine. my lady thinks Im cheating bec ause of my suspicious behavior and she makes my life miserable. My son means everything to me but hes only 1 hell never remember me If I do it soon. what else is there to look forward to life sucks all you do is struugle to earn a living. thers so much pain here and hurt the other side has to better than this. I s the way im thinking right. Maybe everyone will be better off without me. No one appreciates me anyways they only remember my faults never the good . they dont realize that I hate myself for the pain I cause I do **** that I dontwant to do and Idont no y

Latin Help...please..?

Try this and what you don't know come back but i won't do your homework you don't learn anything that way... and you probably know a lot of like with question 5 you probably know they are all forms of Sum so think about that and use your Principal parts.... try and then ask

How do Holocaust deniers keep a straight face?

One person who denied the holocaust said in a taped interview that - look at the doors of the gas chambers, they open out, they could have easily escaped, but then all of the chambers have been significantly reconstructed. If they are that stupid, what do you expect.

My bearded dragon still has this cut on its face please help!?

easy... Neosporin and what kind of substrate? for a cut on a face alot of beardies rub their faces on the green carpet or rough rocks and stuff i would change cage to smooth things for a while.... if its s baby bearded they cant have fine sand yet so try newspaper

Rate my fantasy football team......?

rule number one: get rid of bush. hes a bust, as weve seen the past years. todd heap is great, mostly because no reciever will take catches away from him cause the rest of the ravens suck at catching, especially in the red zone. steve smith and roy are good, except steve has no QB and roy will split catches among not only calvin johnson, but shaun mcdonald and mike furry. minnesota had a great year in means of defense and turnovers, so thats really good for you, and booth drew brees and derek will deliver in the pocket. addai is still as great as ever, and underrated, and fred, despit splitting carries with jones drew will be great, just like last year. hell get the goal line carries cuase hesbetter at pounding through than jones drew due to JD's lack of size. mason will alsao flourish with his field goals, because he has power, and chances are, not a lot of touchdowns will be scored by GB this year :( lastly, anthony will be amzing if marvin doesnt fully recover cause that means he has mannign in the pocket and reggie by his side, and hell be a starter. i think good thoughts about many players, except bush and possibly, POSSIBLY, roy williams...

LGBT Poll! :The iest accent ever? In your opinion..and why..?

IMO, it's Irish..I imagine it was probably Robert Sheehan who got me liking it so much...if you don't know him, Google him! :D Or proper Robert Downey Jr in Sherlock Holmes :D Or Hugh Grant in Love Actually! Or even Hermione Granger..hmmm...Hehehe

Mazuri Hamster Blocks for Rats?

Well some people think since they are both rodents it is ok, but its not! Hamsters need certain vitamens and things and some things they eat rats cant have because they need different ingredients and more! Just in case try this, a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a it is by Mazuri and is for rats! For this the ingredients are, dehulled soybean meal, ground corn, ground wheat, wheat middlings, soybean oil, cane moles, fish meal, ground oats, porcine meat meal, dehydrated alfalfa meal, dried beet pulp, wheat germ, brewers dried yeast, calcium carbonate, salt, dried whey, dicalcium phosphate, monocalcium phosphate, calcium propionate (a preservative), ground soybean hulls, menadione dimethylpyrimidinol bisulfite (vitamin K), animal fat preserved with BHA, choline chloride, corn gluten meal, dried yucca shidigera extract, DL-methionine, cholecalciferol (vitamin D3), vitamin A acetate, pyridoxine hydrochloride, d-alpha tocopheryl acetate (natural source vitamin E), thiamin mononitrate, folic acid, nicotinic acid, calcium pantothenate, riboflavin, cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12), manganous oxide, zinc oxide, ferrous carbonate, copper sulfate, zinc sulfate, calcium iodate, cobalt carbonate. It might be but I wouldnt just to be safe. Be careful not to give your rat sugar that are not good for them that is in a lot of brands!

Never been in love in my entire life. Never feel pity for the poor. Have I become comfortably numb?

I have become so cynical. I feel everyone out there is out there to find a way to achieving their own ends. When I see my fellow humans I feel that Darwin's thesis on the survival of the fittest going on in my mind. Whether it be the the government, media, or my neighbors - everyone is feeding their own needs. I feel there is not an honest person left on the planet nowadays. But deep within I know I know I am wrong, yet I just can get this feeling out of my mind.

Can anyone recommend a good intergenerational movie?

I'm looking for a good film with friendships between people of different ages, such as Fried Green Tomatoes or Harold and Maude. Thank you!

Is It Me? Or Should I Be Worried? Help Pretty Please? (:?

is he the type of person that will listen to you with out flipping out and starting a huge fight? if so then hell yeah you're together you have to be honest with eachother. and if he will flip out over how you feel then dump his ***. hope i helped.

My boyfriend is having heart pain.?

for the last hour my boyfriend has had a heart rate between 88-116 sys pressure between 120-145 dia pressure between 81-99 and he's been hot to the touch all day and has indigestion for the last hour and his blood sugar is over 120...hes 17 and roughly 150lbs and has 2 known heart conditions what is happening?

Should I consider removing my Implanon birth control implant?

I had Implanon inserted in November after having a baby in September. I started bleeding in December and it hasn't stopped not even for a day. I'm having terrible night sweats in which I'm waking up in a puddle of sweat and my sheets are soaked. I haven't gained any weight but following the Atkins diet has only left me with a 5 pound loss. I was on this diet in the weeks before I found out I was preggers and I lost 15 in a week.. Should I consider removal? I don't even know if it prevents pregnancy because I haven't stopped bleeding to have .

Does anyone speak spanish? I have a simple question.?

Well if you want to say i love you it is "te amo", but if you want one of the answers above it is the first one


Hi, I have a problem with these huge house spiders in my room, they seem to only climb up one wall, just a few minutes ago I had one run across my bed and need I mention that I screamed like a little girl, anyway, I heard that Conkers are rumoured to keep them away and i am willing to try anything to keep these beastly things from snuggling up to me in bed, what I want to know is what season do Horsechestnuts blossom and fall to the ground? Thanks =)

How much approx.does it cost to rent out a hotel party room?

check w/ your city hall...the city has rec centers/ club houses..public spaces for rent for good prices. They normally include tables, chairs... In Austin Tx it is $200- $500 for a building overlooking the lake... To rent the botanical gardens for a weddin- $30! Check the city website, go to parks deptartmant, find rentals/ park space...there should be a list w/ prices... AND- they do not require you to 'use our caterer/ bar/ food ...) you get 'exclusive' use of the property for the time you rented it. have fun!

Are religions really differnt?

Think about it.Dont they all have the same basis? Its what you believe to be true.Its what makes you feel good. Its what you try to live your life by. isnt that correct?And Pandora,Just so ya know I am not anti-Chtistian.I believe in all things nature and thanking what ever God is responsible for that on A daily basis. It is the ignorance of society that has lumped me into A religious sterio type.You are probably one of those Oh look at me I have A strange religion people who have Pagan on there license plate or try to get A patition going to have A Pagan float in the Santa Claus parade.And as for the fat man in the red suit He is magic in the eyes of the children so Bless him and all the happiness he brings to children

Do I need a heater for my aquarium?

Im soon getting a 5 gallon tank. I'm planning to put 2 Long Fin Red Minor Tetra. Do I need a heater? or is it ok to leave it at temperature room? If I do need a heater any recommendations?

Can any one tell me what to do when a mot tester brakes the hand brake have reported to vosa and others?

I would think the tester has not mean to damage your hand brake and perhaps broke when he tested it you are perhaps fortunate it didn't go parked on a hill or when you needed it in an emergency situation.If you have reported him then you will have to wait for an independent tester to see if the hand brake failed through miss use or was faulty before you took it in for test this is reason we have a test every year

My dog has been using stuffed animals as a pacifier she will fall asleep with one in her mouth is that normal?

She has been doing this since she was a puppy and she is a pure bred Beagle if that makes any difference. It's only stuffed animals that she uses.

I just relized my part 2 was reported so here is re part 2 i hope you like it?

this is perfect, i'll have to keep this in mind when i finally get married. in fact, i'll copy it too. and i agree with tinkerbell, they hate to see what Islam really says about things like that because they want to see it as their stereotypes where men have a bunch of wives that are their slaves and the beat them every day and have like 20 kids....but that's NOT Islam at all and that bothers the enemies of Islam...

Who is the guy who plays as Booker?

This guy plays in the TV shows 21 Jump Street and Booker. His name in each one is Booker. What is his real name? And does he play in any other movies? Thanks!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

What could this be, i have never had an ear infection before?

i had sinuses since i was young and now im 26, recently i have experienced itchy left ear and have a lump infront of the same ear,have an itch on my left jaw, when i scratch, i woke with a swollen jaw, its not painfull but feel a bit heavy

What do you think about this?

I dunno dude...seems a little bitter to me, but I guess I could understand where you're comming from, I mean if Marino went to work for the gaytriots or something, I'd never wear my Marino jersey again...I dont know if I'd burn it, but y'know...

I don't want my parents to weep and be afraid for the rest of their lives if I tell them I'm an atheist...?

You are not responsible for the delusion of your parents. Nor are you responsible for any anguish they may experience as a result of that delusion. What you are responsible for is honoring who you are and being honest with yourself and others.

Does the ownership cl clearly have too much clout for society's own good?

Look at them sitting on trillions of dollars under the arcane excuse of 'uncertainty'. It is obvious to all their plan is to make Obama fail so his policies and his party will not be vindicated. Why did we let it get this way; where the few with the money can undermine democracy with subtle economic terrorism?

Week 1 Starters for Fantasy Football?

Start Palmer for sure. Favre is with a new team, may not be use to the different offence as of yet/receivers etc. Moss, T.O. obviously. You have a rough set of backs. Obviously you ranked WR higher than you should have cause you got Moss and T.O. I would go to Lewis and Williams. And for defense SD.

I'm tempted to take drugs, what the hell is wrong with me?

Majority of my friends take drugs, I think I'm & one or two others are the only sober people out of my friends. I'm sick of it. Although recently (to my shame) I have been curious & wanted to see. They're all having fun & I'm here tutting about it with no fun. Just one try to see what it's like, but one try will turn into a billion other times, so I'm not going to risk it. I just feel so left out, they're always off having good weekends, they don't invite me out any more 'cause they know I won't join in drugs. I feel like I have no body, like I'm stuck in a bubble having fun. I spoke to my boyfriend about it & he said if I tried drugs he'd be hurt & wouldn't be able to look @ me the same way. We've been together for 2 years I'm not risking our relestionship 'cause of curiousity that I wanna try drugs. Just Cl C. Ughh I don't know what to think any more!!

Unexpected Babies!!?

Welcome to platys! they breed like rabbits. Your female platy will probably give birth to more fry every couple of months. I used to scoop up my fry and put them in a nursery net within the main tank because wether or not mum platy gave birth to them or not she will eat them! Crumpled up flake food is ok to give them but you can buy special liqui fry food to give them in the first week if you cant get to a pet shop you can make your own by par boiling a couple of potatoes put them in a jar add some tank water and leave for a couple of days then just feed a few drops of that 4-5 times a day. Your fry should reach adult size within 3 months but they will be big enough to go into the main tank in about 3-4 weeks, you really need to judge that by yourself just make sure that they are big enough not to fit in a mouth. also if i was you id buy gilbert a mate as platys are usually great fish for a community but they are best kept in pairs. good luck!

Do you need a comma to separate authors and book titles?

Yes, the book title here is being used as an appositive phrase, a restatement of the phrase 'Harper Lee's novel'. The idea is that you could have written the sentence without the title and it would have made sense; the title further clarifies the sentence ("Oh, that Harper Lee novel!), and is thus set off by commas.

PLease all bikers help!?

i am making a custom bmx from Dans Comp online and i need help knowing what sizes fit what? like what head set fits what stem which fits what handle bars? and what chains fits what chain wheels/freewheels and what brakes are the best/pads and what seat clamps and grips plus plugs and post and seats please answer this i neeed help , and what pegs will fit on the left side for a fit tech one and how do i know what sizes should i get? please tell me everything or a website where i can learn all this! thanks people it means alot!

How can i wash my hair the night before school without it going frizzy?

yeah try blow drying it the night before. or just do your hair in general the night before. i don't know how you wear your hair but i know plenty of girls that straighten there hair or scrunch it the night before.

Do you think if this was an NHL team they would make the playoffs? If so how far into the playoffs?

It's okay, I guess. They'll make the playoffs, but the sub-par defenseman might cause problems in the second round or Conference Finals.

So, Torchwood Series 4 returns next year.. what are your thoughts? [spoilers for children of earth episode]?

RTD never liked Ianto, he won't bring him back. I always got the impression they didn't want Jack in an on-going relationship, they'll have him with someone new every episode. Maybe they'll bring back Captain John (James Marsters) for a one-off. I don't know what they're going to do if the location is no longer in Wales and the actors are all American. Seems like it's not going to be related to DW. And what are they going to do with Rhys/baby?

Will 17 inch alloy wheels from a fiesta fit a escort?

are escort and fiesta do they have the same running gear i want to put 17 on a escort these come of a fiesta

About two cats who were best buds and now can't be in the same room together.?

Hershey "adopted" Jessie when I rescued 4 kittens from the warehouse at work. 3 of the kittens were given away but 2 returned, which left me with 5 cats... Hershey, Jessie, Callie, Casey, and a male cat, Thomas. Everyone is spayed/neutered. Last Sunday, something happened in the hallway, I couldn't tell what happened, and now Hershey and Jessie hiss and growl when they see each other. Hershey growls at the others, but relaxes when she realizes they aren't Jessie. If Jessie gets too close and Hershey really starts warning her, Jessie will advance on her and they will smack and spit at each other. I can't seem to get them over this and I don't want to lose either of them. Any suggestions???

Should I take her back? Ladies? is she confused? (Long)?

So i was dating this girls for 3 years i treated her like queen... like no lie i was really good to her and i loved her so much. The feeling was mutual she was obsessed with me for basically the whole relationship. Then over the course of one month she changed, she stopped answering my calls and was a huuuuuuuuuuuuge ***** to me, not even her friends really new what was going on with her. She told me she didnt love me anymore but she still cared.. then she proceeded to go party her ******* face off while I was very very depressed. SO ANYWAYS now its been 8 months later and she is trying to get me back saying she made the biggest mistake of her life and is acting like her old usual self that i fell in love with... but my trust is shot. I want to take her back so badly but I have a very very looming feeling that i never had before about trusting her with my heart again. I dont know what to do.. i dont want to get my heart ripped out... that was very painfull.

Chromosome comparison for mitosis and meiosis?

Compare the number of chromosomes in cells formed by mitosis to the number of chromosomes in cells formed by meiosis.

Advent 8215P Laptop RAM upgrade help....?

i bought this laptop a few weeks back and i need to upgrade the RAM from 1 to 2GB because its running Vista. However, the site i bought it from and Advent's own site are completely useless and dont tell me anything about the RAM spec; all i know is its DDR2, but im not sure what speed. If someone could help me here so i dont go wasting money buying the wrong RAM would helpful.

The D*ck in a box from SNL for halloween sound like a good idea?.?

Hope you guys have seen the skit "d*ck in a box" on Saturday Night Live...its freakin hilarious. Anyways im thinking of doing this for halloween this year and just wanted opinions. Also I need to get a think beard and not sure where to get one. TIA

Really requiring an solution?

is it possible for a boy of 21 years to reduce his weight by 20 kgs. if so what i have to do ,how long it will take

It hurts...? (just for girls...)?

OK, so my lower left side sorta hurts. I'm sorta young, so my boos starting growing. Does it mean my growing, or is it a heartache? I can't tell...

Projectile vomiting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

im 16. my brother got the stomach flu with projectile vomiting & explosive diarrhea. he is 7. i drank off his pop last night & took care of him. i was babysitting. its the flu. he had a fever. help i really dont want to get sick! i hate puking. its an aversion. ill want to kill myself. if i get sick, how can i prevent puking? HELP I WANNA DIE. IM SO WORRIED & STRESSED

How much does a typical warm lunch at a restaurant in Quebec City, Canada cost?

I'm going there in February for a field trip for 5 days, and need to know how much money to bring. I was thinking $250 CAD for lunch and souvenirs. I only need to buy lunch for myself, and breakfast and dinner are provided. I was thinking it would be about $15, but I just wanted to check.

Does the possibility of the validity of eyewitness testimony undermine every principle of atheism?

if quite a few eyewitnesses all testify to the same thing, but in different words then the testimony is more authentic than if all witnesses use the same words, which could mean they had got together and manufactured to tell such and such a story

Was the death of Julius Caesar justifiable?

Not at all. When he was asinated, he had been in power for five years, and none of the so-called fears about him had come to p. The only people against him were a minority of senators, 60 out of 700. Curiously, the asination came just at the time Ceasar was about to root out corruption and graft in the Senate; so probably the senators had no 'noble, honorable' ambitions (as Shakespeare portrays it), but were just out to save themselves.

What do you think Palin could possibly achieve by appearing on SNL as Tina Fey?

I would like to see that personally. And I agree with the other answerer that it would show she can take the joke, even if it's at her expense. I KNOW Tina Fey can take the joke (hell, she'll probably write them for her lol).

Did you know......?

i have her autogragh only funny thing is is wen she was signen she started signen shelly but she realized and crossed it out and wrote ariel idk how that is supposed to help you with your question so what ever

BOTS!! Error Help?

i have vista.. and when ever i uodate it says something like bulinfo.sys cannot be created.... how do i fx that

Wedding overseas?...?

A wonderful Idea! But you might end up spending more on your plane tickets, you know how expensive they are these days. Other than that however, sri lanka is a lovely place to visit.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

I need a lullaby to help me sleep. Will you write lyrics to go with the instrumental song 'Sleepwalk'?

I hope you have gone to bed.. I laid awake the last 2 hours drifting.. now I must go back and see if I can really sleep..

Does anyone have a recipe for All Bran cookies?

I once had a recipe for low calorie cookies that were made with All Bran, Artificial Sweetener,Sultanas and Cinnamon. They only worked out about 25 calories each biscuit and were a lot more edible than trying to munch a bowl of the cereal itself. Does anyone have the recipe or know of a similar low calorie one they could let me have please? I can't find my one [probably ate it!]

Whenever I say to an acquaitence that asks me to go somewhere...and i do not?

want to, I just have an excuse handy...Such as.."sorry, but I have other plans today."...and the nosy person says.."well, what are your others plans? I just say.."just other plans"...then say I've gotta go...and hang up the phone. This person is a pain...has no boundaries and asks way too personal questions.But that is her. What do you say to people like her??? (They are annoying)...geez!! Gets on my nerves.

Complete hardware list.?

I'm building a computer for CAD, 3D rendering and Photoshop. I'm looking for an industrial strenght computer and all of it components. Can someone help me and make me a list of absolutely everything I would need. From mother board to processor to what kind of RAM I need, a sceen or sreens so on and so forth? Thank you in advance.

Who is the most pionate in the business.?

Aside from the Undertaker, even though he's no longer with us, I still say Chris Benoit should still be known as one of the most pionate performers the business has ever seen

I already have 4 RBs, but I'm thinking about dropping 1 and picking up Pierre Thomas. Good or bad decision?

By the way my running backs are: DeAngelo Williams, Ray Rice, Julius Jones and Willis McGahee. I'm thinking about ditching Willis, but let me know what you think.

Can you freeze cooked crab legs?

I have quite a bit of cooked crab legs left over. I am putting them in the fridge tonight, but if they do not get eaten tomorrow can i out them in my deep freeze for another time? If so how long will the hold in the freezer & how do you suggest reheating them... thaw & re-boil for 5 minutes, re-boil from frozen or microwave. Thanks for any help :)

What are the best bands ever?

My favourites are Metallica, Nirvana, Soundguarden, Paramore and Hey Monday. Anybody got any good bands and some songs to go with them? I like that type of rock/metal modern music. no crap computer music like lady gaga and flo rida if they were live they would be crap!!!

Opnions on interesting life event?

Hey everyone!!Okay so we need to wirte a multi paragraph essay on something unusual or interesting that happened in our life. I was thinking of writing about my visit to the great wall of china and I have to make it very complex with a lot og good word choice and imagery, etc, etc. Well I guess i just want to ask if that is a good topic or if I should write about something else like what...thnx 4 ur guys opinions!

Are you a mark? (details inside)?

There are always going to be fanboys and people who slam what they think are fanboys no matter what you are talking about. It doesn't have to be wrestling we are talking about. Everyone has their opinions, so let them keep them to themselves. I am like you, I love 'WRESTLING', which it doesn't seem like I am in the majority anymore. Most people seem to prefer 'sports entertainment' over wrestling nowadays. I like 'sports entertainment' it is ok for what it is, storylines and entertainment. But my true pion is wrestling. I am a huge fan of TNA, ROH, and FIP. TNA is kind of getting like WWE in that they are starting to focus more on storylines than wrestling, but they still have pretty good matches. ROH is the best promotion if you like pure wrestling. Limited interview segments and promos make the action a top priority in ROH. I live in Florida so FIP is a regional promotion that has their matches about 10 minutes down the road from my house. Now there are only usually less than 1,000 people there every month, but the wrestling is fantastic. They are a sister promotion to ROH and they send a lot of their stars to FIP to perform. Last week Nigel McGuinness, The Briscoes, Austin Aries, Roderick Strong, (Who is the FIP Champ.) Jerrelle Clark, Delirious, Madman Pondo, and Necro Butcher were there. It was a great show and it entertained me more than Smackdown does. So I guess I am a mark in some peoples eyes and that is ok with me. For the people that think WWE is the only wrestling promotion that they need to watch, you haven't seen real wrestling yet!!!

Making a indie game using a GPLv2 engine?

Can I use a free gplv2 engine for a indie game. The game wont be free. basically I want to use the Quake 3 engine (Open source GPLv2) for a video game I want to sell. Will this violate GPLv2. If it will recommend a good FPS engine similar please.

Should i date my best friend?

I say go for it! 1 or 2 things will happen, either y'all will get together and it will be awkward or y'all will get together and it will be the most wonderful thing to happen to you. Remember nothing beats a failure but a try, you don't want to go through life thinking "what if"

My boyfriend wants to go to the national guard.. what should i be expecting?

My boyfriend wants to go to the national guard. He told me he would be gone for about four weeks of basic training, and that if he went over seas it would be to help victims of earth quakes and stuff like that. I'm not really that educated about that kind of stuff, so some questions is, is that what kinda of stuff would he be doing? Is there any chance of jim getting hurt? What will his communication limits? He's going through his junior and senior years. Help me please, i'm worried about it.. but i don't wanna seem selfish that i don't want him to go when i know its something he wants to do....

What do you think of this fantasy football trade?

Sounds like a good trade since you are needing WRs over RBs. DeSean Jackson and Fitzgerald should both have killer years even though they both have new quarterbacks. Kolb and Anderson both have big arms and like to throw down the field, so that should give them big numbers. Daniels won't quite put up Dallas Clark numbers, but he is still a decent pick and the increase getting Jackson and Fitzgerald should more than make up for it. Also, Mathews might have a big year but more than likely he will split carries and only have a decent rookie year.


Hi does anyone know a webssite that sells tshirts with golf courses names on them. Such as like a shirt with Cog Hill on it or like Pebble Beach?? Also the logo of the course maybe.

Using Gandhi The father of the Nation (Indian) is a crime..comment and support.?

The thing is true that Modi cannot be compared to Gandhi. But one thing, we can ure that both worked for development and upliftment. Gujarat, today is considered as the leading state in terms of economic growth, development, infrastructure and rural upliftment. Every month there are fairs, exhibitions and awareness programmes by the government of Gujarat. They have introduced a SCOPE programme which will help each and every person of Gujarat to acheive proficiency in English. They have introduced Bus Rapid Transport System which has won accolades throughout the world. Very soon Metro rail will parade. The cities have been beautified along with Vibrant Gujarat programmes which are promoting investments in the state. Thats the reason Tatas, Maruti, Infosys and NRI are looking Gujarat as an ideal state. The only Plasma Institute, IIM-Ahmedabad, Forensic Science Labs are in Gujarat. It is going to qualify for the status of Heritage state. There are always two sides of a coin. Only thing is he is Gandhi with different ideology. First update your information before giving your tongue a chance. We are not Hindus or Muslims. We take pride to be Indians. But the problem in India we can forgive our hostile neighbours who ambush us every now and then, but we cannot forgive 2002.

Isn't the wedding reflective of the bride and groom?

The wedding is sometimes considered to be a "gift" for everyone except the bride and groom. That is actually the traditional view of a wedding. Since for many couples, they would not have a wedding at all and simply get a certificate and go on living their lives without dishing out $50K for a party. The wedding is often a reflection of the couple's family and friends, and their attempts to make it a comfortable environment for their guests. In many people's opinion, to design a wedding that is completely opposite of what you know your guests would want is very disrespectful.

I stole beer from my neighbor?

I stole a beer from my neighbor a couple nights ago, and I feel really guilty. I stole the beer from the refrigerator in the garage, and later, the neighbor came outside and said hey man what's up. I engaged a conversation with him about his new car. He started talking abut it. Never mentioned a word about the beer, and seemed to be as happy as a lark. But I feel really guilty. Today I am going to go back and return the stolen good, and maybe I will give him something extra, just so if he did see me , he will understand that I am sorry. I CANNOT CONFESS because I am well respected around this part of town, and people would get very upset. Please help me out. The guilt is eating me alive

Why do I like to bite things?

Ever since I can remember I like to bite things. Not like people And stuff, just pencils, pens bled up paper ect. I am also one of the people who have the extra long canine teeth (aka Vampire Fangs) people would ask if I would sharpen my teeth to look like fangs or put implants. I just said they are natrully like that. Anyway, some times it's a habbit, if I see something that looks good to bite I want to bite it, I even chew the side of my wooden bed frame some times, bite pillows and chew towles I even chew closed books and the spines of hardcoverd books. Is this just a habbit or something more?